From the data it could be concluded that the treatment in experimental class was successful and word wall as one of the alternative media effectively improved the students vocabulary mastery on the…
Students were more enthusiastic, comprehension, and also mastery improved became 90,1% in the second cyle where in the first cycle was 87,5%. So, english comic series as the alternative media in im…
Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian dari prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dengan jenis penelitiannya adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK).
Dari hasil penelitian di dua tempat tersebut diperoleh …
The result of the data showed the pictures as the media could improve students writing skill in recount text.
Based on the findings, the researcher suggested to English teacher that they should apply some media in teaching English, because it will support learning process. The picture with keywords can be …
buku ini menjelaskan tentang: 1. media pendidikan dan proses belajar mengajar 2. jenis dan karakteristik media 3. pemilihan media 4. pengembangan media pendidikan 5. pemanfaatan program media …
Buku ini menjelaskan tentang: 1. Pemahaman dan pengenalan berbagai macam media pengajaran mulai dari media grafis, media cetak dan gambar diam 2. Media proyeksi diam, Media audio, Media film, tel…