Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil belajar siswa setelah melakukan proses pembelajaran pada materi sistem pencernaan makanan pada manusia dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik…
Skripsi ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptis kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah observasi, wawancara, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verification.
From the data it could be concluded that the treatment in experimental class was successful and word wall as one of the alternative media effectively improved the students vocabulary mastery on the…
Students were more enthusiastic, comprehension, and also mastery improved became 90,1% in the second cyle where in the first cycle was 87,5%. So, english comic series as the alternative media in im…
Hasil penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris subkompetensi membaca news item di SMA Negeri 1 Sirampog sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pe…
The finding of the research had great contribution to language education, especially in teaching speaking approach. The English teacher could get some different approaches in improving the students…
The result of this research showed that there was significant difference between the students who were taught by using collaborative writing technique and those who were taught without it.
Based on the research findings there were some strategies used by the teacher to overcome the students difficulties in reading descriptive text. They are : (1)Using pictures, (2)Drilling method, (3…
From the observation on the teaching and learning process of English at SD Negeri Paguyangan 1, it could be concluded that the most of the students did not get enough English achievement, although …
berisikan: a. mengenal metode dan model pembelajaran b. memahami hakikat PAKEM c. prinsip PAKEM d. metodologi PAKEM e. peran guru dalam PAKEM f. peran komite sekolah, masyarakat, dan orang tu…
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran dengan model CIRC tuntas, rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada model CIRC lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajran konvension…
MENJELASKAN TENTANG: 1. KTSP 2. konsep perencanaan sistem pembelajaran 3. pendekatan sistem dalam pembelajaran 4. pengembangan silabus 5. analisis karakteristik siswa 6. pengembangan RPP