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Dari hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan m…
Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru dalam membina siswanya di bidang tembang macapat yaitu dengan media Audio visual, karena media audio visual sangat menunjang dalam…
The students could develop their fluency and comprehension because Mix Pair Share had to take part in interviewing activity, and they had limited time to give the information .
The use of mind mapping technique in improving the students writing skill and recount text is effective for the students achievement.
There is a significant difference in writing skill improvement between students who are taught writing recount text by using sequence pictures and those taught without sequence pictires. So, the us…
The result of the english teaching and learning process of VII A class was significant. It was supported by the teachers competency and experience of teaching. There were some difficulties faced by…
After the data of the research had been collected and analyzed it was found that influences on the students daily life speaking ability were as the result of some programs, as follow english area, …
There was a significant difference between experimental and controlled group, in other hand if tt (t0
After the data were analyzed and the writer was applied Total Physical Response (TPR) method in teaching and learning process it was found that using TPR had positive effect in vocabulary mastery o…
From the song lyrics that are found the writer concluded the data observed. There are 238 clauses which can be divided into two types as follow, 230 can be indentified as indicative mood and 8 can …
The use of book cover pictures as one of the media in improving the students writing competence in descriptive text is effective for the students achievement.
After the data were analyzed by the researcher it was found that the mean error of the first test was 17.46 or 58.2% and the mean error of the second test was 18.84 or 62.8%. So, it could be seen t…
The conversational strategy could improve the students ability in writing descriptive text. The using pictorial cards was very effective to improve the students motivation, achievement and activene…
From the data it could be concluded that the treatment in experimental class was successful and word wall as one of the alternative media effectively improved the students vocabulary mastery on the…
Students were more enthusiastic, comprehension, and also mastery improved became 90,1% in the second cyle where in the first cycle was 87,5%. So, english comic series as the alternative media in im…
There are 102 clauses in the manuscript of speech, exactly there are 29 clauses complexes. In the unmarked topical theme there are 58 clauses which can be identified as nominal group complex as the…
The treatment in experimental class was successful. The hypothesis which states that using pictures sequences was effective for teaching writing in narrative text on the eight grade students of SMP…
The use of role play as medium could motivate and attract the students attention in speaking and that role play as medium not effectively helped the eight grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Baruamb…