Frekuensi tinggi penggunaan media sosial pada anak dan remaja berpotensi membuat mereka terpapar konten-konten yang berbahaya hingga mengalami adiksi media sosial dan perilaku online berisiko. Hasi…
Daftar Atikel di Volume ini: 1. Konstruksi makna proses kreatif pada kreator di biro iklan - Teddy Kurnia Wirakusumah 2. Peran influencer dalam proses electronic word of mouth untuk meningkatkan …
Actions really do speak louder than words, but you've got to be able to understand them. That's where Body Language For Dummies, Second Edition comes in handy. If you find yourself puzzled by other…
This comprehensive and accessible text teaches the fundamentals of digital communication via a top-down-reversed approach, specifically formulated for a one-semester course. The unique approach foc…