buku ini berisi tentang : 1. noun clouse 2. kata benda 3. fungsi kata kerja 4. bentuk pasif 5. kata kerja bentuk-ING 6. Pola kalimat 7. keterangan sebab akibat
Content: - Reading dan reading comprehension - Reading techniques - Reading the aim is conveyed - Understanding meaning - Assessing the text
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composite (CIRC)dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas V SD Negeri Ragatunjung 04 Kecamatan Paguyang…
There was significant effect of jigsaw method to improve the students reading skill in narrative text. It was found that there was score improvement of pre to post-test of experimental class, the m…